Birthing Kits

In Uganda, a mother must provide her own birthing supplies. If she can't afford to purchase these supplies, she is turned away from hospitals and clinics.
This Is Hope distributes Birthing Kits to those in need through our ministry partners. This allows the mother to have a safe delivery and also allows our partners to use the kits as a witnessing tool.
Kits include:
Plastic Sheet (for mom to lay on)
Razor Blades (for cutting the umbilical cord)
Cord Ties
Cotton Rolls
Sterile Gauze
Sterile Gloves
Antibacterial Wipes
Flashlight (in case there is no electricity for the doctor)
Receiving Blanket for Baby
Onesie for Baby
The cost of each kit is approximately $15. If you would like help us provide these to women in Uganda, please use the donate button on this page.